About the Region

Map showing Solihull's location in the UK.

UK Central Solihull is a prime inward investment location, ranked in the top 10 UK destinations for business.

Offering exceptional opportunity, connectivity and lifestyle, the region is the chosen location for high levels of Foreign Direct Investment and boasts one of the strongest economies outside London, contributing £5.1bn to UK GDP.

In terms of future growth, UK Central Solihull is one of the country’s most strategically important development areas.

Why Solihull

UK Central Solihull represents opportunity on an international scale.

How can we help?

We can support you in your investment decision, offering bespoke:

  • Labour market information
  • Commercial property availability
  • Staff employment and training support
  • Travel planning support
  • Links to the local community
  • Local supply chain information
  • Finance and grants